"The first three years are critical to the foundations of our life"

19th February 2023 | Blogs

How a little understanding of brain development can go a long way.

Throughout our life, experiences continually shape our brains and thanks to brain plasticity, we continue to learn, acquire new skills and form new memories.

There are many reasons why children’s behaviour may change as they grow, so having some knowledge of brain development can be useful for educators, to help understand why a child or young person may be behaving in a certain way.

Understanding neuroscience makes an impact.                        

Nursery Plus teacher, Sarah Roberts, reflects on how important the first three years of life are and how building positive relationships in early years settings is vital to a child's emotional development. 
We also hear from Lorna Macgougan from West Exe Nursery School who explains the impact Thrive training has had on her professionally. She said 

“It all makes so much sense and having all that lovely science to back everything up has been really inspiring.”

Over to you: book your discovery call today

For over 25 years, Thrive has been supporting educators to understand the neuroscience behind children's or young people's behaviour. If you’re seeking calmer classrooms, engaged learners and improved attainment, click here to book a Discovery Call with your regional expert. Designed to fit in around your schedule, these free 30-minute conversations via Teams give you a chance to have your questions answered, decide if our service is a fit for your needs, and discuss in more detail how Thrive training can make a real impact in your setting. 

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