"Using Thrive helped the school to demonstrate progress to Ofsted"
11th February 2020 | Case Studies
Thrive has been invaluable in terms of what we’re trying to do here. We know that our young people are moving forward but the thing that is most important is that all of them feel safe here and able to engage with their education.
From stable families to child protection, Thrive benefits are huge in Cullompton
11th February 2020 | Case Studies
The benefits of Thrive have been huge. We have a really broad range of children in the setting with children from really stable family backgrounds through to children who are in child protection. I find that creating a really special relationship is key to everything.
"Thrive is key to the life of the school. It underpins all lessons and strategies and helps us to understand the needs of the children"
"Everyone feels the value" at Ofsted Outstanding Cullompton school
24th October 2019 | News | Case Studies
Cullompton Pre-School Leader Amelia Joyner completed her Licenced Practitioner training in 2018 and is already seeing the benefits of adopting the Thrive Approach across the whole setting. The pre-sc...
Oxytocin: embracing the hug hormone
26th September 2019 | Blogs
Often referred to as the 'hug' or 'cuddle' hormone, oxytocin is produced when we feel connected and safe with someone. When we see their smiling face, hear their warm voice, or make eye contact with...
Handing out pen licences? 4 things to consider
26th July 2019 | Blogs
Pen licences are used to motivate children to develop their handwriting to a required level. However, there is a need to balance this approach for those children who may not yet, or ever, develop par...
Dr Suzanne Zeedyk: How the language we use shapes our practice
20th June 2019 | Blogs
Based at the University of Dundee, Dr Zeedyk is fascinated by babies' innate capacity to connect. She has worked tirelessly to help the public understand the importance of emotional connection for hu...
How to support your pupils through the stress of exams
4th April 2019 | Blogs
Navigating the exam period can be extremely difficult for everybody involved. When levels of stress are increased by examination deadlines, we need to support our young people, teachers, parents and...
How putting language to feelings supports mental health
8th February 2019 | Blogs
The focus of this week's Children's Mental Health week is on how to be healthy 'inside and out'. In Thrive we recognise that how we behave and respond to the world depends on the brain and body worki...
BBC documentary explores how Thrive helped reduce behavioural problems in school
5th December 2018 | News
Certain classroom behaviours are compromising the learning potential of many at Mangotsfield School in Bristol. Last night BBC Two aired their documentary 'School', a film exploring how Thrive is use...