How to create an environment for emotional wellbeing
9th December 2021 | In the news | Insights
Thrive's Adolescent Specialist Rose Webb and Jo Dunne, a Licensed Practitioner from Herbert Thompson Primary School, in Cardiff, feature in this article about creating an environment for emotional we...
The importance of checking yourself before tackling flashpoints
9th December 2021 | In the news | Insights
Viv Trask-Hall, Head of Innovation in Education at Thrive, shares how changing the way we deal with behaviour incidents will help children build strong foundations for their learning in this article...
'Are my friends still my friends?' (An anxiety focus)
9th July 2021 | In the news | Insights
Pupils' anxieties: Name it to tame it Headteacher Ben Travitzky on why a 'name it to tame it' approach is helping to support children's wellbeing at his school This article was originally published o...
Why it's time to rethink 'bad behaviour'
12th March 2020 | In the news | Insights
How understanding what's happening in the brain can help educators rethink 'bad behaviour'.