How to Handle Outbursts and Meltdowns in Nursery Settings and Primary Schools

Drawing on current research into the development of the brain, this course explains the neuroscience behind outbursts and meltdowns, gives you tools to distinguish between the two and provides tried and tested strategies for responding to outbursts in ways that promote brain integration and emotional regulation.


At a glance

Duration icn

Course duration

2 hours

Delivery method

Delivery method



Suitable for

Thrive Licensed Practitioners



Worth 5 CPD points

Price icon

Price per place

£75 excl. VAT



Course Outcomes

‘How to Handle Outbursts and Meltdowns in Nursery Settings and Primary Schools’ is worth 5 CPD points to Thrive Licensed Practitioners.

By the end of this two-hour session, you will know how to:

  • Distinguish between outbursts and meltdowns displayed by toddlers and young children.
  • Explain why outbursts and meltdowns occur.
  • Adjust your responses moment by moment to meet children where they are at.
  • Apply Thrive strategies and activities to respond effectively to outbursts and meltdowns.
  • Set effective boundaries to reduce the frequency of outbursts and meltdowns.
  • Communicate to others about how best to respond to outbursts and meltdowns.

Who is it for?

Thrive Licensed Practitioners.



Thrive is a constant reminder about how important it is to know about neuroscience and how children’s brains are developing, especially during the early years. We can almost be like brain surgeons because children’s brains are able to forge new connections and adapt. What we do here really is shaping children’s futures."

Elizabeth Leer. Deputy Headteacher and Senco. Rothesay Nursery School.



What you'll learn

In this two-hour virtual session, you will learn about the types of outbursts and meltdowns that you are likely to encounter when working in nursery settings and primary schools, and how to respond positively to these behaviours in ways that support children to learn how to regulate their emotions.

Outbursts and meltdowns are normal parts of development for toddlers and young children, yet it can be difficult for adults to know how best to respond to them. While there is plenty of advice available on how to respond, much of it is conflicting and, in some cases, even harmful. What’s often not made clear is that outbursts and meltdowns require different responses from the adult.

Drawing on current research into the development of the brain, this course explains the neuroscience behind outbursts and meltdowns, gives you tools to distinguish between the two and provides tried and tested strategies for responding in ways that promote brain integration and emotional regulation.

    Course structure

    2-hour webinar.


    Dates and times

    Browse our upcoming courses below. To see the dates and times of each session, click the eye icon that says ‘click for more details’.


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