FREE Anti-Bullying Week 2024 Resources Are Now Available!

2nd September 2024 | Blogs

We’re excited to announce that Anti-Bullying Week 2024 is just around the corner, taking place from Monday 11th to Friday 15th November, with this year’s empowering theme: ‘Choose Respect.’

As proud partners of the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA), Thrive is committed to fostering environments where respect and kindness are at the forefront. That’s why we’re thrilled to share that the ABA has created a comprehensive suite of FREE resources to help you prepare your school or setting for Anti-Bullying Week.

Here’s what’s available:

  • School Packs: Resources for primary and secondary schools which include lesson plans, films, cross-curricular ideas, and assembly plans. These school packs are focused on developing children’s understanding of respect, including how to disagree respectfully.
  • Odd Socks Day Pack: Odd Socks Day is taking place on Tuesday 12th November. We have a school pack with an assembly plan ready to go – alongside an amazing song and video from Andy and the Odd Socks currently in the making!
  • Parents and Carers Pack: A tool to help parents and carers have conversations with their children about bullying.

At Thrive, we believe that every child deserves to feel safe and respected. That’s why we’ve also developed our own set of anti-bullying resources, for you to explore.

Join us in choosing respect and making a positive difference in your community this Anti-Bullying Week—and always!

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