Evidencing the impact of wellbeing good practice with the Thrive Approach® will be the focus of this year’s Forging New Connections webinar, which will be delivered by the highly-experienced schools’ inspector and Thrive Licensed Practitioner® Sandra Teacher.
Sandra is an experienced educational consultant and adviser with over 25 years’ experience in leading Ofsted inspections. She also carries out inspections on behalf of the Independent School Inspectorate. Her work has covered early years, primary, secondary, special schools and PRUs, and has included quality assurance for inspection service providers. She is an adviser at the Department for Education, particularly working within faith communities and with a range of schools to develop high quality education. She has wide cross-phase teaching and advisory experience and is a lecturer in education at a range of teacher training Institutions.
After the challenges of Covid-19 and with an ever-increasing focus on mental health and wellbeing in settings, this webinar will be relevant to all Licensed Practitioners as schools review their core vision and curriculum planning to implement statutory relationships and health education.

“When I was doing my Thrive® training I felt aware of how difficult it is to demonstrate that you’re making a difference when it comes to wellbeing. People in schools work hard and, by nature, they don’t like to boast about what they do. I want to tell them how they can show the impact of what they’re doing because, in this day and age, everything needs to be evidenced,” said Sandra.
“I will be looking at what kind of evidence is effective - whether it should be quantitative or qualitative – and I will give lots of ideas and examples of the type of evaluation that is useful for both inspections and wider stakeholders.”
The Forging New Connections webinar can be used to gain CPD points for Thrive Licensed Practitioners and will give anyone working in education an insight into how they can evidence the work they do to promote mental health and wellbeing. The two-hour session will focus on an awareness and access to relevant evidence; the tools needed to help evaluate impact and the confidence to showcase and model best practice.
To book a place, log onto mythrive.uk/ForgingNewConnections
Over to you
Reduced anxiety and behavioural incidents. Calmer classrooms filled with engaged leaners. Improved relationships with parents and carers. These are just some of the outcomes reported by settings embedding Thrive’s whole-school approach to mental health and wellbeing. Are you ready to join them? Click here to get started.
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