Your quick wins for improving attendance this term

4th November 2022 | Blogs

Being in school matters

One in four children were persistently absent from school in autumn 2021 compared to one in nine pre-pandemic. These stark findings have ignited Government initiatives designed to reduce absenteeism and, subject to Parliament, a statutory requirement for schools to actively promote regular attendance from September 2023.

Join us in conversation with Education Consultant and DfE Advisor, Jayne Lowe, as we shine a light on the situation and discuss tips to help schools reduce absenteeism.

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Over to you

At Thrive, we’ve been supporting educators to tackle absenteeism for over 25 years. If you’re seeking to successfully reengage pupils and work with families to promote good attendance, click here to book a Discovery Call with your regional expert. Designed to fit in around your schedule, these free 30-minute conversations via Teams give you a chance to have your questions answered, decide if our service is a fit for your needs, and identify if you qualify for a £1,200 DfE grant to spend in your setting. 

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