Latest Thrive Ambassador School announced

1st November 2021 | In the news

Primary school wins a second award for its focus on pupils' mental wellbeing

A North Somerset primary school has been named as a Thrive Ambassador School for the role it plays in supporting the wellbeing of its pupils in order to prevent mental health issues.

St Andrew's Primary School, in Congresbury, received the award, which recognises schools which forge a strong connection between staff and pupils, creating a firm foundation for learning.

Headteacher Fran Martin said: "We are really proud of this achievement. As a school, we are continuing to enhance parental involvement on our Thrive journey and are looking forward to running Family Thrive sessions to support carers and families.

"We believe that making connections and embedding relationships is key to children's mental wellbeing and we have established good practice here at school such as meet and greets at the classroom door, adults sharing 'keeping in mind' objects and a 'gate crew' who meet our pupils and their parents with a welcoming greeting every morning on their entrance to school."

Over to you

Are you leading the way in developing happy, emotionally-resilient children or young people? Are you feeling the impact of embedding the Thrive Approach throughout your setting? You too may be eligible for Thrive Ambassador School status. Click here to find out how to apply.

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