8 key takeaways from the new Thrive-Online dashboard – and how to use them

By Claire Daniels, Thrive-Online Product Manager | 10th July 2024 | Blogs

Thrive-Online is the go-to platform for educators looking to effectively support children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. With over 25 years of research and expertise behind it, Thrive-Online enables you to assess pupils’ social and emotional skills, create practical action plans for targeted support, and evidence progress over time.

In this blog, Thrive-Online Product Manager, Claire Daniels, walks you through one of the platform’s latest developments – the progress monitoring dashboard. This dashboard enables school leaders to see how Thrive is being used across their setting, monitor the impact and identify where to prioritise resource. Plus, through a simple integration with Wonde and your school Management Information System, you’ll be able to connect wellbeing, attendance and exclusion data all in one place.


1. See how Thrive is being used in your setting

The first section of the dashboard gives you a quick view of how Thrive-Online is being used across your school. This includes how many pupils have been assessed, the number of staff that have access to the platform, and what proportion are using it.

An ‘Active Thrive Users’ tile shows how many staff have a Thrive-Online account and how many are actively using it. This could indicate the need for a staff meeting or training to boost engagement. There’s no cap on how many members of your team can access Thrive-Online, which means all staff can use the platform and play their part in supporting children and young people’s wellbeing.

Thrive-Online dashboard

2. Identify where to prioritise support

The second section of the dashboard has a ‘Thrive assessment’ tab, which is used to indicate if there are any cohorts with higher needs than others. This can be used to monitor where best to allocate resource and highlight areas where staff would benefit from additional support or Thrive training.


3. Monitor age-related expectations for social and emotional development

The ‘Social and emotional development’ table shows how pupils are scoring against Thrive’s age-related expectations for social and emotional development. This enables you to quickly get a feel for how many pupils in each year group or class are below, meeting or exceeding expectations. Different colours show progress/regression between assessments and indicate which groups are on track and which may need additional support through curriculum tweaks, extra resource or staff training.


4. Connect wellbeing, attendance and exclusion data in one place with Wonde integration

Not only does the dashboard show you how pupils are scoring against their age-related expectations, this information can also be compared to your attendance and exclusion data through a simple integration with Wonde and your school Management Information System (MIS). This enables you to identify any correlations between social and emotional development, attendance and exclusions. The insights you draw could help inform your policies and practice, highlight where further support is required, and flag trends in behaviour and attendance.

Thrive-Online dashboard with MIS integration

5. Highlight areas of need to inform decisions

The ‘Areas of need’ tab also gives a high-level view of whether groups’ social and emotional development is on track. Plus, you can drill down into the specific areas where pupils need the most support. Strategies and activities to address these weaker areas could be embedded into curriculum teaching and subject lessons or used to create tailored assemblies for the term.


6. Monitor the number of pupils receiving one-to-one support

Using the ‘Thrive support’ tab, you can see how many pupils in each year group are getting targeted support from a Thrive specialist and the number of Thrive sessions being held each month. This will help you to understand where your Licensed Practitioners are dedicating their time and ensure you’re aware of workload and staff capacity. It will also help you to make informed decisions on whether to train more Thrive Licensed Practitioners to meet the needs of your pupils.


7. Evidence your work to key stakeholders and inspection teams

The data in the ‘Thrive support’ tab can help you to create case studies to showcase the school’s work towards improving personal development, behaviour, social and emotional skills and mental health. This is invaluable when reporting to key stakeholders like governors, and collecting evidence for inspections.


8. Ensure no pupil is left behind

To get all the value out of your dashboard, it’s important to assess all pupils in your setting. Not only will this enable you to draw accurate insights from the data, you’ll also have a clear picture of how every pupil is progressing socially and emotionally, ensuring no one slips through the net. Adopting this assessment and action planning strategy supports a whole school approach to mental health, ensuring every child receives the attention and support they need.


Over to you

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