Transforming lives: A case study of Heath Farm School's Thrive journey
9th January 2024 | Case Studies
The children love their Thrive sessions and it’s something that definitely works. Thrive has helped the wellbeing of our school grow, we have seen amazing effects on our children and nothing gives us greater joy than knowing how we have turned some of our pupils’ lives around with the Thrive Approach.

Kent specialist setting named as Thrive School of Excellence
2nd December 2021 | News | Thrive Schools of Excellence
A specialist setting has become the first in Kent to be named a Thrive School of Excellence for the role it plays in supporting the wellbeing of its pupils in order to help prevent mental health i...

Special Educational Needs setting "turns lives around"
4th November 2021 | Case Studies
The children love their Thrive sessions and it’s something that definitely works. Thrive has helped the wellbeing of our school grow, we have seen amazing effects on our children and nothing gives us greater joy than knowing how we have turned some of our pupils’ lives around with the Thrive Approach.