Guest speaker: Helping primary school pupils to manage worry and anxiety
20th November 2023 | Blogs
Join Thrive and Lorraine Lee to discover actionable strategies and effective techniques to support children to manage their worry and anxiety.

Fostering a sense of belonging - Tips from Thrive’s community on settling in after a break

How to reestablish rules and routines after school breaks

Worcestershire primary school shares the secrets of its wellbeing success
23rd May 2023 | News | Thrive Schools of Excellence
A celebration of mental wellbeing has been held at an inspirational Worcestershire setting to mark its achievement in becoming a Thrive School of Excellence.

The impact of the Thrive Approach on primary school behaviour
12th December 2022 | Blogs
For the staff and pupils at over 2,800 settings, the Thrive Approach is reducing exclusions, improving behaviour and ultimately, transforming lives. Click to see the impact of the Thrive Approach on behaviour in primary school settings.

The impact of the Thrive Approach on behaviour
12th December 2022 | Blogs
For the staff and pupils at over 2,800 settings, the Thrive Approach is reducing exclusions, improving behaviour and ultimately, transforming lives. Click to see the impact of the Thrive Approach on behaviour.

Why a whole school approach to mental health is needed
15th November 2022 | In the news | News | Impact Reports | Thrive Ambassador Schools
A Thrive Licensed Practitioner explains how a whole school approach to mental health is helping pupils to manage the impact of the pandemic at her London primary school

The impact of the Thrive Approach on primary school attendance
10th November 2022 | Blogs
For the staff and pupils at over 2,600 settings, the Thrive Approach is reducing exclusions, boosting attendance and ultimately, transforming lives. Click to see the impact of the Thrive Approach on primary school attendance.

The impact of the Thrive Approach on Attendance
10th November 2022 | Blogs
For the staff and pupils at over 2,800 settings, the Thrive Approach is reducing exclusions, boosting attendance and ultimately, transforming lives. Click to hear from pupils and staff about the impact of the Thrive Approach on school attendance.

How embedding Thrive boosts primary school attendance: the pupils' voice
30th October 2022 | Blogs
In these 2 short videos, primary school pupils Markaine and Lewis provide insight into how Thrive has supported them to be (and stay) at Hagley Primary and Pennywaun Primary respectively.