Thrive saves money on staff costs and improves behaviour and attainment
6th July 2023 | In the news | News | Insights | Thrive Schools of Excellence
Read how Thomas Arnold Primary School, in Dagenham, have seen behaviour and attainment improve - while staff costs have fallen in relation to coping with disrupted lessons and problems with behaviour.

East London primary named as Thrive School of Excellence
9th December 2021 | News
A Dagenham primary school has been named as a Thrive School of Excellence for the role it plays in supporting the wellbeing of its pupils in order to help prevent mental health issues. Thomas Arnol...

Hard work validated by Ambassador School status
12th October 2020 | News | Thrive Schools of Excellence
Thomas Arnold Primary School, based in Dagenham, has been named as an Ambassador School with Excellence in Leadership after going through a rigorous assessment process by Thrive, which trains teachers...