Why punitive measures to behaviour don't work (and what approaches to try instead)
29th November 2023 | Blogs
Punitive measures to behaviour, such as isolation, can backfire by damaging trust and hindering effective communication with children and young people. The Thrive Approach focuses on fostering positive connections, rooted in neuroscience, recognising that building relationships and understanding the science of connection provide more effective and compassionate avenues for addressing challenging behaviours.

Reduced behavioural incidents and staff who feel well-supported and equipped to handle challenges
16th November 2023 | News | Case Studies | Insights
Read how Thrive has given senior leaders at Holy Trinity and St John’s CoE Primary School an understanding of behaviour as communication of unmet need. This has resulted in calmer, less disruptive classrooms and staff who feel supported and equipped to handle behaviour challenges.

Bullying: Why behaviour can be a communication of unmet need

Barking and Dagenham primary is named a School of Excellence for mental health
7th November 2023 | News | Thrive Schools of Excellence
Rose Lane Primary School has held a celebration of mental health which was attended by pupils, staff, governors and senior local authority staff to mark its achievement in becoming a Thrive School of Excellence.

New podcast episode! Taking a diocese-wide approach to creating an anti-bullying culture
New podcast episode! Creating an anti-bullying culture across a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT)
New podcast episode! We’re a Thrive School of Excellence for mental wellbeing – here's what we do for pupils, staff and parents

Essex education service that is the 'last hope' for many children is named a School of Excellence
7th September 2023 | News | Thrive Schools of Excellence
A specialist education service which works with the most vulnerable children and young people in Essex and Suffolk has been named a School of Excellence for the role it plays in supporting the mental health of its pupils.

How to get the true measure of wellbeing interventions
15th August 2023 | In the news | News | Insights
Read how settings can measure their wellbeing interventions to ensure that they are truly effective

Life-changing setting is named a School of Excellence
25th July 2023 | News | Thrive Schools of Excellence
St Wilfrid’s Academy, part of Delta Academies Trust, has held a celebration of mental wellbeing which was attended by pupils, teachers and local councillors to mark its achievement in becoming a Thrive School of Excellence.