Fostering a sense of belonging - Tips from Thrive’s community on settling in after a break

How to reestablish rules and routines after school breaks
The impact of the Thrive Approach on secondary school attendance
10th November 2022 | Blogs
For the staff and pupils at over 2,600 settings, the Thrive Approach is reducing exclusions, boosting attendance and ultimately, transforming lives. Click to see the impact of the Thrive Approach on secondary school attendance.

The impact of the Thrive Approach on Attendance
10th November 2022 | Blogs
For the staff and pupils at over 2,800 settings, the Thrive Approach is reducing exclusions, boosting attendance and ultimately, transforming lives. Click to hear from pupils and staff about the impact of the Thrive Approach on school attendance.
In my own words: "I didn't feel safe. I didn't want to leave the house"
28th July 2022 | Blogs
From panic attacks in lessons - to loving lessons (and life). Watch us in conversation with a year 7 pupil about her transition to secondary school during the pandemic.
How to support secondary school teachers against a backdrop of skyrocketing mental health problems
14th July 2022 | Blogs
"Often the first to spot mental health problems emerging", secondary school teachers need more support.

How to prevent mental health problems in secondary schools and develop emotional resilience in students
11th July 2022 | Blogs
Mental health problems have skyrocketed, and crisis presentations have surged since coronavirus took hold. Thankfully for Northfields School and Fortis Academy, they caught on early to a secret formula ...

How Fortis Academy's KS3 roll-out boosted resilience and pupils' potential
14th October 2021 | Case Studies
Discover the ‘life-changing’ training experienced by the staff at Fortis Academy, how non-attenders are now happy to come to school, and why parents love what Thrive has done for their children.